I’ve been craving for this jiggly cake since I saw it on the internet! It is really worth your time if you want to try it.
The ingredients are readily available and you probably have it already in your cupboard. The recipe is good for a 9-inch baking form which is good for 4 persons so if you want to make a bigger one so just double the amount of the ingredients. So without further due, here it is…
You need / Du skal bruge:
50 g butter/smør
50 g creamcheese/flødeost
65 ml. milk/mælk
4 eggyolk / æggeblomme
30 g flour/ mel
30 g cornstarch/ majstivelse
6 eggwhite/ æggehvid
70 g sugar/ sukker
Method / Fremgangsmåde
- Turn on your oven to 160C.
- Mix A. In a saucepan melt butter, creamcheese and milk in a low heat, whip until you get a thick consistency. Remove from the stove and let it cool a bit. Whip it again while adding your eggyolk. then sæt aside.
- Mix the flour and cornstarch then fold it into your Mix A. Fold it gently, and do not use whisk, only spatula!
- Whip your eggwhites and sugar until it is fluffy- It is done when your eggwhite hang to your whis
k. then blend it into mixture. Again only use your spatula and fold it gently.
- Pour the mixture into your baking form with baking sheet inside. Then use another baking form which is a littele bigger. You will use a waterbath while baking it. Pour a hot water in it as shown on the picture to the right.
- Put it in preheated oven for 30 minutes.